1 week of disconnecting with the World

29th May 2019 in Notes

1 week of disconnecting with the World

It has been 1 year, no... 5 years, also no; it has been 10 years that I have studying and working continuously. I had holidays and vacations in between but there was no days of not 'checking' to see how things was going on and making sure nobody was blocked because of my absence. and this time is coming...

I will be away (finally) for a week of disconnecting with our world (no internet, no phone and even rarely talk :-) ). I have been wishing to join a meditation class and it is happening. this July I will be joining meditation training for a week and I am really looking forward. I will try to understand myself, love myself by caring myself a bit more and I hope to bring and spread more positive thoughts and actions to the people surrounding me.

If you are interested in this, you can learn more from this: https://plumvillage.org/about/wake-up-young-practitioners/

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