Betray myself or Keep my principles

21st May 2019 in Notes

Betray myself or Keep my principles
Image result for kill your best employee

A week ago, it was hurt and sad when I was not allowed to visit my 'previous home' to pick up my social insurance book. I was ordered to receive it outside while I was looking forward to meeting the former colleagues again...

At least I felt good and better when hearing one of the Dutch managers saying this: "It is normal of what Huy is doing. H.. was doing the same when he started his company by offering jobs for more than 30+ people from his former employer. In this world, how many people dared to make the step like them?". It was an excellent message! :)

When I was in between making an important decision about 9 months ago. I had an idea that either taking of this decision or that decision would not lead me in any good feeling... It was one of the biggest dilemmas in life:

  • (a) supporting my boss' vision and receiving no support from the people


  • (b) refusing my boss' vision (then getting no support from him) and receiving the support from the people.

Either choice won't lead me to any 'supported' situation as I need the support from both of those stakeholders to succeed. Then, I decided to quit!

Building a company 'again' is great! In which I will be happier to fail, to learn and to achieve in the coming 10-20-30 years as my principles remain. Yes, at least for the next 10 years and in those 10 years, I will feel much better than staying in 10 years with 'accepted' and 'changing my principles' just because of 'status'?

Will you dare to make a change when you are at the top but you have not been happy with your boss for a year; even to leave off what you created and built with your passion and your heart?

Life was sometimes difficult to predict: one day they did not want me to be there to against their vision; another day they asked me to stay longer just a few days before I left. As said while giving words before leaving the company: "In our life, we should be responsible for our decisions." - I meant WE!

At the end of what have happened, I feel good of making these decisions:

  1. deciding of not asking to get back the shares that I was granted
  2. deciding of not taking any bonus for the last year working over there
  3. deciding of not taking the granted compensations for the sales results (not easy for taking care of bringing foods for the whole company)
  4. giving most of my used learning budget for another person <it was not a policy to 'pass' to someone but I did it silently to help her learning activities> and it is good for the company that she has returned to contribute back
  5. deciding of starting 'it' again

And I feel very grateful for the ones who have been helping me greatly with this new adventure! This gives me great energy and motivation to be successful on this.

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